Holding myself accountable

Exam season is on. The second term is nothing but tests, projects and tests again. It is not easy without a crazy amount of discipline, fitness and hard work. So I need a plan, I kind a have a study plan sketched out for studies per say so now comes the lifestyle plan for the next few months leading up to the boards. I thought I should put my plan out here and promise somewhat weekly updates , to keep the promise to myself and be motivated by the fact that I have to document it. It is definitely going to take time but I think I can do it if I keep myself in line. Starting on 15/11/2023:)

1.Waking up before 6 every single day

2.Meditating for 20 minutes in the morning

3.Drinking minimum 8 glasses of water

4.Taking a 10 minute walk outside in the evening

5.Doing a minimum of 3 Surya namaskars (sun salutations)

6.Face massage before bed.

Lets see how it goes and hopefully I will be able to add on a few more habits as I go along.

Let the games begin!

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