Resting frown face

Unknotting eyebrows,

tangled thoughts

practice indeed does make perfect!

Hey everyone! Term exams are on and I find myself in default stress mode. In fact I don’t realize how stressed I am till it ebbs! I consciously try to get myself to relax whenever I can but lets just say this is going to linger till the end of exams. It definitely gets better with practise but every time the feeling is different. It feels as though it a major milestone, while in foresight its but a tiny hurdle. Well, I will get plenty of practice stressing by the time I reach final exams 🙂

I have been loving face massages of late and this is the one I follow :

It works wonders for me so I thought I should share it with y’all as well:)

Hope you enjoyed this post and let me know what you do to deal with stress as well!

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